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Will my company be deleted if I delete my account?

If you’re the only Owner of your company’s account, then yes. However, if you assign the Owner role to another user, then your company account will stay active even after you have deleted your personal account.

Who can delete a company's account?

Only account owners or users with the Owner role can delete a company’s account.

How to restore a deleted organization?

Once you’ve deleted your company, you will receive an email with a recovery link. The account may be restored within 7 days of deletion only. See the guide on Recovering your organization's Traqq account

I’ve lost the email with a link to restore my account. What can I do?

Please contact support@traqq.com

Will Traqq track my activity after I uninstall it?

Nope. Traqq can only track activity via the desktop app, and only when the time tracker is turned on.

How do I uninstall Traqq?

Please see the guide on Uninstalling the Traqq desktop app

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