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Desktop app preferences and settings


How can I change the timer appearance?

There are several ways the timer may be displayed on your device. You can choose the one that’s convenient to you, and change it anytime as needed.

Step 1

Click the app icon on the taskbar, and select the ‘Preferences’/‘Settings’ option. Then choose the option from the 'Show Traqq in' field.

Step 2

Or pick the option in the 'Show Traqq in' field right from the menu.

How can I have Traqq prompt me to turn it on?

Step 1

Click the app icon on the taskbar, then select the ‘Preferences’/‘Settings’ option.

Step 2

To allow Traqq to notify you that your tracker is off while you’re being active, check the  ‘Notify if I’ve been active with timer off’ option.



How can I log out of the desktop app?

Step 1

Click the app icon on the taskbar, then select the ‘Log out’ option.

Step 2

Confirm your logout.

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