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Activity levels

Can Traqq detect activity if I’m offline?

If the tracker is on, then yes. Traqq works offline as well as online. It will track your activity. It will be uploaded to your online Traqq timeline once you have a stable internet connection.

Is Traqq tracking my activity accurately?

Yes. Traqq detects keystrokes and mouse movements to track user activity. If you’re experiencing discrepancies between your actual activity and what’s tracked by the app, you either may not have enabled all of the required tracking options on your computer, or, in rare cases, the tracking may be interfered with by third-party programs, antiviruses or firewalls. You may contact support@traqq.com to schedule a live troubleshooting session.

Can users increase their activity level by power clicking?

Nope. Traqq is equipped with an anti-cheating algorithm, which detects and nullifies power clicks and redundant mouse movements.

How can I increase my activity level?

Your activity is calculated based on your keystrokes and mouse movements. Having activity on the time slot will result in higher activity levels being recorded. However, note that Traqq is equipped with an anti-cheating algorithm, which detects and nullifies power clicks and redundant mouse movements.

If you’re experiencing discrepancies between your actual activity and what’s tracked by the app, you either may not have enabled all of the required tracking options on your computer, or have a third-party firewall or antivirus interfering with activity detection. You may contact support@traqq.com to schedule a live troubleshooting session.

Why is Traqq showing my activity as low despite me being very active on my computer?

If you’re experiencing discrepancies between your actual activity and what’s tracked by the app, you either may not have enabled all of the required tracking options on your computer, or have a third-party firewall or antivirus interfering with activity detection. You may contact support@traqq.com to schedule a live troubleshooting session.

Why does my timeline have different colors?

The colors on your timeline are meant to mark different activity levels. Green is for high activity, yellow stands for normal activity, and red means low activity or idle time. This is a system of measuring user performance and productivity throughout their working hours.

What do different colors on my timeline mean?

The colors on your timeline are meant to mark different activity levels. Green is for high activity, yellow stands for normal activity, and red means low activity or idle time. This is a system of measuring user performance and productivity throughout their working hours.

What is the threshold for different activity levels?

Low activity is 0 - 39%
Normal activity is 40 - 59% 
High activity is 60 - 100%

Why am I seeing low activity during video or voice calls?

Traqq records mouse and keyboard activity intensity. Generally, users are less active during conference calls or VOIP meetings, which leads to lower activity levels. Activity levels cannot be the sole criteria for evaluating employee performance. For instance, HR managers tend to have many meetings per day with lower activity levels compared to coders or copywriters.

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