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The new Attendance feature lets you track your employees’ work hours and attendance to help you analyze their engagement and workloads. With this data at your fingertips, you can increase employee productivity and job completion.

The Attendance section is only available to people with the Admin, Owner and Manager roles.
Use the filters at the top of the page to select the people and time periods you want to see data for. Please note that you can get Attendance reports for periods up to 2 days before today. This is necessary to ensure accurate data collection across all time zones.

By default, all data is displayed in the Members’ time zone and this filter may not be changed.

Attendance & No-Shows

The Attendance & No-Shows tab shows the number of hours a user worked during each day, the days they took off, the days they were absent from work for no approved reason, days they worked less than their standard/required time.

Time off and work day duration can be specified in the organization settings. There may also be individual time limits set for a user in the People section, as well as various types of time off in the Time Off section. The data you see in the table reflects the organization’s and each user’s current settings. We used different cell background colors to make it more convenient for you to review the information.

Clock In / Clock Out

The Clock In / Clock Out section shows the time a user started work and the time their work day ended, as well as the average time worked per day for the selected time period.

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