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Time Limits

Organization account Owners and Admins can set individual time limits for their employees upon inviting them, or edit existing limits for a user anytime in the People section. To do that, click on the Edit icon (the three dots) at the end of the line and choose the Edit menu option.

In the window that opens, choose the Limits tab where you will find the following options:

   - Allowed to work: the number of hours that may be tracked during a work day.
   - Work days: days of the week during which work time may be tracked.
   - Work time: the time interval, in hours and minutes, during which work time may be tracked.
   - Time zone: the time zone to use for calculating time limits.

The employee for whom time limits have been set will be able to see them in their Traqq app by going to the Work time limits tab in the app’s Settings window.

The employee will not be able to track work time outside of the time interval or above the allowed number of hours set for them. When the limit is reached, time tracking will be stopped and a notification will be displayed.

The exception is when an employee works without an internet connection, and there are some limits set for their account or the organization’s account during this offline time. When the user reconnects to the Internet, the Traqq app will immediately receive updated information on the new limits, and all their offline time tracked outside of those limits will be sent to the supervisors for approval. It will be listed under Overlimits in the Time Requests section.

Overlimit settings may be managed in the Permissions section by users with the Owner role. Owners may choose who can approve overlimit time for employees or whose requests should be approved automatically. They may also choose to have all incoming overlimit time requests approved automatically. 

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