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Adding users

Step 1

To invite your team, you can simply follow the instructions in the Welcome pop-up message we sent you when you registered. Alternatively, you can go to the People page and send out invites from there.


Step 2

Сlick the 'Invite people' button in the top-right corner.

Step 3

Enter the email addresses of the people you’d like to invite. You can also select their Roles and the Group(s) they will be assigned to. The Group option will be available only if you have already created groups.

You will receive this notification once your invites have been successfully sent:

Your team members must confirm their accounts in your Organization by clicking a link in the invitation email. Note that the link is valid for a limited time. Along with the link, your invitees will receive registration and installation instructions via email:

 Step 4

You can see your invited users under the Invites tab on the 'People' page.

Step 5

After registering and installing Traqq, your team members will appear on your Dashboard and People pages.

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