The Best TrackingTime Alternative

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Choosing the Right Tracker

Want to work smarter and keep accurate records of time spent working? You need a time-tracking app. While TrackingTime offers features like project and team management, Traqq provides employee monitoring on top of time logging. The feature allows you to see what employees are doing without being intrusive and can be particularly helpful when managing remote teams.

Both time-keeping tools are excellent, and we explore the different features each offer. We are confident that once you reach the end of this article, you’ll be convinced that Traqq is the best TrackingTime alternative.

All the information provided in this article is published in good faith and for comparison purposes only. We do not intend to imply that our product is better than other time trackers on the market. The information is well-researched and unbiased to help you choose the right software for your business. While Traqq strives to make the information as accurate as possible, liability for errors, omissions, accuracy, or completeness of the contents is hereby expressly disclaimed.

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What Is Traqq?

Traqq is a time management app that allows you to track billable time and monitor employee performance. It offers a range of team productivity functionalities and can track user activities even without an active Internet connection.

Traqq has a minimalist interface that offers an efficient way of keeping you productive all day long. It captures time spent working and organizes the total hours logged on an online timesheet for quick analysis.

Among other things, the Traqq work time tracker can help you:

  • Automate employee timesheets to streamline payroll
  • Track employee Internet usage to determine their working habits
  • Generate detailed reports that show how you or your team are spending time
  • Calculate income
  • Stay focused by getting reminders when it detects idle time while the tracker is running
  • Get accurate records of your team’s performance and productivity levels
  • Access to all premium features, without charge

You can try Traqq for 21 days, regardless of your team's size, and get access to all its features. You don’t have to provide your credit card or any payment info to get started.

What Is TrackingTime?

TrackingTime is an easy-to-use time tracker with a clock-in and clock-out function for businesses. It offers simple project management and employee attendance features, as well as customizable timesheets.

TrackingTime also integrates with various productivity apps, including Asana, Basecamp, Freshdesk, GitHub, and more.

With TrackingTime, you can:

  • Monitor your team’s progress on assigned projects
  • Create project budgets and track due dates
  • Track employee absence and attendance
  • Measure your team’s productivity

TrackingTime offers a 14-day trial period for the Pro plan. Users get basic reporting and limited projects on the Free plan.

TrackingTime vs Traqq: A Side-by-Side Feature Comparison

While ActivTrak features distraction management capabilities, Traqq offers all-around time-tracking features, including ethical employee monitoring. Here’s how they compare:

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Time Tracking
check icon


check icon


Mouse/Keyboard Monitoring
check icon


cancel icon


Report Sharing
check icon


check icon


Activity Dashboard
check icon


check icon


Manual Time Entries
check icon


check icon


Productivity Tracking
check icon


check icon


Auto Screenshots
cancel icon


cancel icon


Apps and URL Tracking
check icon


cancel icon


Idle Time Detection
check icon


cancel icon


Offline Time Tracking
check icon


cancel icon


Employee Monitoring
check icon


cancel icon


Advanced Reporting
check icon


check icon


Smart, Automated Reports
check icon


cancel icon


Team Performance Analysis
check icon


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Smart Alerts and Reminders
check icon


cancel icon


Employee Attendance Tracking
cancel icon


check icon


Supported Platforms
Windows logo iconWindows
Mac logo iconmacOS
Linux logo iconLinux
iOS logo iconiOS (coming soon)
Android logo iconAndroid (coming soon)
Windows logo iconWindows
Mac logo iconmacOS
iOS logo iconiOS 
Android logo iconAndroid


Pricing comparison

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Premium Starter


Free package offers all premium features for 3 users

Check icon

All features available

Start for free

Free plan


Maximum of 3 users, with basic reporting and limited projects

Cancel icon

Restricted features

Premium Teams


per user, per month
(billed annually)

Check icon

All features available

Start a Free 21-day trial

Pro Plan


per user, per month

Check icon

All features available



Custom pricing

Check icon

All features available

Start for free

Traqq vs TrackingTime: Detailed Comparison

With both Traqq and TrackingTime offering time tracking and team management features, here’s how they compare.

Time Tracking

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Automatic/Manual Time Tracking

Using the Traqq app is straightforward. Whenever you want to start logging your hours, simply click Start on the Traqq widget on your taskbar. You can pause the timer to take breaks and pick up where you left off for seamless and accurate time recording.

To ensure you don’t forget to track your hours at the start of your shift, you can set Traqq to launch automatically on computer startup. Now, every time you switch on your PC to start working, the tracker will remind you to activate it once it detects activity on the device.

It’s a nice feature for those who forget to log their work hours.

With the tracker running, all the hours spent on your tasks will automatically be recorded on online timesheets for analysis. You can view your activity levels throughout the day (as a percentage), and make necessary adjustments for efficient time management.

Manual Time Adjustment

Traqq allows users to manually add time to account for all the time spent working, including hours spent away from the computer. Teams will find this feature useful, especially if they work in the field or spend most of the day meeting clients. It ensures every billable minute is accounted for, which in turn translates to accurate client billing.

Users need to add a brief explanation of the time adjustment to help project managers and clients understand the time entry.

Offline Time Tracking

Traqq works offline to keep you on top of your activities even when your Internet connection is unstable. Its full offline mode can be helpful in situations where you must leave your home office to meet clients.

Offline time tracking means the tool doesn't rely on an Internet connection to work. As soon as you log in to the Traqq desktop app, all your activities will be synchronized with your online account.

This handy feature ensures all the hours spent on work are accounted for. There will be no more guesswork when it comes to payroll processing and invoicing.

Idle Time Detection and Reminders

The idle time detection feature is crucial for any time-tracking software as it encourages users to stay productive. Every time the system detects inactivity, it prompts you to resume work.


This way, you have greater accuracy when it comes to reviewing the total hours spent on projects or tasks.

Manual Time Tracking

Start tracking your work hours by clicking on the start button. You can add notes to specify the project or task you’re tracking. If you want to start working on an existing project or task, find the activity item and click on Start.

You can classify your time entries into projects, tasks, or clients. Moreover, you can define billable tasks and projects, time estimates, and deadlines.

Manual Time Entries

With TrackingTime, project managers can add or edit time entries for the whole team, which will be reflected on the timeline. When compared to Traqq, you get more options to adjust time and a mandatory field to give reasons for the edited entry.

Employee Monitoring

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Traqq is one of the best alternatives to TrackingTime when it comes to in-depth employee monitoring. The tool automates the entire process and works in stealth mode, so you won't distract your team members.

Workplace Privacy

Most workers are skeptical about time tracking tools for fear of their privacy being invaded. Not with Traqq remote employee monitoring. The program promotes what it calls ethical tracking.

App and Website Tracking

Another thoughtful feature that Traqq offers is Internet usage tracking. You know how easy it is for one to get distracted by non-work-related activities like social media browsing. The Apps and Websites monitoring function records the top ten apps the user accessed during work hours, as well as the websites they visited.

The records are presented on a pie chart for easy interpretation. You can check exactly how much time you spent on each app or URL and determine how unproductive you were on a particular day or week. You can then make the necessary adjustments to ensure efficiency at work.

TrackingTime doesn't have an elaborate employee tracking solution for remote teams. However, it features employee attendance tracking and gives you an overview of your teams and their work hours.

Time Cards

Time cards let you or your team track clock-in and clock-out times and generate monthly reports on employee attendance and absences. The time cards auto-detects breaks, but you must set the number of minutes that you’ll consider a break.

For this feature to work, you must complete the work schedules first. TrackingTime can also automatically create time cards based on the time entries. Users can edit time cards manually to reflect the actual work hours.

You can go to the Dashboard for an overview of team or individual work hours. To view the total billable time of each member, use the date selector to filter your input.

Reports and Timesheets

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Automatic Reports

With Traqq, reports are generated and automatically updated for all users’ daily activity. The reports are easy to understand and show only the necessary details, so you don’t get lost interpreting complex data.

Users get access to various types of reports:

Weekly Summary generates a report showing a weekly report of how you or your team performed throughout the week.

Time and Activity gives you an overview of the average activity levels and the total work hours logged for the selected period.

Apps and Websites provide data on all the applications and websites you or your team accessed, along with the time spent on each, for the selected period.

Manual Time Adjustments show the total time that was manually added during a selected period.

Amounts Earned generates a report illustrating the total amount earned by you or your team for the selected period.

Idle Time allows you to see the amount of time that’s being spent with zero activity during work days with the timer on.

Deleted Tracked Time shows the number of minutes the user deleted during each day in the selected time period.

Use the date selector to view reports for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, or choose a custom date. You can also opt to view the reports By Date, By People, or By Group, depending on what suits you best.

Users can share reports with clients by emailing them directly from the platform. You can also download the data as .csv or .pdf files for deeper analysis. Indeed, Traqq is the best TrackingTime alternative, especially when you’re after comprehensive performance reports.

With TrackingTime, you get flexible reporting that offers valuable insights into your company’s overall performance. The reports can be used for productivity analysis, project budgeting, and payroll processing.

You can customize your reports to generate a summary of what you want to analyze. The tool offers the following filtering options:

  • Today
  • This Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • This Year

Alternatively, you can choose a custom period to view specific reports. TrackingTime lets you break down the data further by adding items you want to include via the Columns drop-down menu. You have several options, such as Client, Service, Project, Task list, Task, etc.

The tool offers several reports. These are:

  • Dashboard
  • Timesheets
  • Project Reports
  • Timecards
  • Pace

You can share the reports with people from outside your account using the shareable link and decide who you want to edit the document. All the shared reports are viewable under the Docs tab.

Productivity Tracking

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Accurate Activity Tracking

Traqq tracks activity levels by monitoring mouse clicks and scrolls as well as keyboard movements. Even so, the app doesn’t function like a keylogger that records every key you tap.

Instead, it only uses this information to show your activity levels, represented by different colors on your timeline. Green stands for high activity, yellow for normal activity, and red for low activity.

The timeline shows your activity levels for every 15-minute time slot, along with the corresponding activity percentage and top-3 apps and websites, and daily total logged hours. It doesn’t matter how small or big your team is.

Traqq lets you track productivity as efficiently as possible to easily analyze the performance level of each employee.

The project management feature allows you to assign tasks and monitor the progress of your workers. You can separate billable hours from unbillable time for easy productivity analysis.

TrackingTime lets you know what everyone is working on, and you can prioritize tasks depending on their importance or urgency. This way, you can manage your team’s workload efficiently.

The Pace Board gives you an overview of your personal or your team's scheduled and tracked hours. The tool utilizes a color model to help you quickly identify team members' missing hours, so you can complete their timesheets.

The Dashboard gives you an overview of company activity. Managers can view the hours worked during a specified period by employees, clients, projects, or services.

In Conclusion…

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Choose Traqq time tracker if you are looking for the best tool for ethical employee monitoring.

Choose TrackingTime if you want access to employee attendance and project management features.

Get a competitor discount

If you use another time tracker or employee monitoring software, you can get Traqq at up to 30% off.

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