The Best ActivTrak Alternative

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Choosing the Right Tracker

ActivTrak is a well-known workforce management app suited for teams. However, if you're searching for a more powerful time tracking tool, you’ll have to look around a bit.

In this post, we focus on Traqq, one of the best alternatives to ActivTrak. While having much to offer, ActivTrak still lacks some essential features you’d want in time tracking software.

Join us as we compare these two time trackers to help you choose the right tool for you and your business. Once you’re done reading this post, you will be convinced that Traqq is the best ActivTrak alternative.

All the information provided in this article is published in good faith and for comparison purposes only. We do not intend to imply that our product is better than other time trackers on the market. The information is well-researched and unbiased to help you choose the right software for your business. While Traqq strives to make the information as accurate as possible, liability for errors, omissions, accuracy, or completeness of the contents is hereby expressly disclaimed.

Traqq logo with name

What Is Traqq?

Traqq is a simple, yet feature-rich time-tracking and activity-monitoring tool that focuses on efficient time and productivity management. The program offers seamless individual or team time tracking. It comes with automated reports to help you measure your own or your team’s performance levels.

The clock-in/clock-out app simplifies billable hours recording and payroll processing via its detailed timesheets. It works both online and offline to ensure accurate time and activity monitoring.

Some of Traqq’s most valued features include:

  • Time tracking
  • Employee monitoring
  • Activity tracking
  • Full offline mode
  • App and website Monitoring
  • Powerful reporting
  • Team management
  • Idle time detection

What is ActivTrak?

ActivTrak is a workforce productivity and analytics solution with detailed reporting. It lets you set team goals and efficiency benchmarks. The app has features that allow you to track progress to desired performance.

You can customize or let the tool automatically classify common applications and sites to easily measure productive and unproductive time. The app supports integration with various productivity programs like Microsoft Teams and

Some of ActivTrak’s most valued features include:

  • Reports
  • Application and website usage
  • Workload management
  • Integrations
  • Real-time user activity
  • Alarms and website blocking

ActivTrak vs Traqq:
A Detailed Feature Comparison

While ActivTrak features distraction management capabilities, Traqq offers all-around time-tracking features, including ethical employee monitoring. Here’s how they compare:

 Traqq logo
Trial Period21 days14 days
Idle Time Detection
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Smart Alerts and Reminders
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Setting Up and User ExperienceEasy-to-set-up and user-friendly interfaceSetup process can be a bit tedious, especially for free accounts
Offline Activity Tracking
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Keyboard and Mouse Activity Reporting
check icon


cancel icon


Ethical Employee Monitoring
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Automated Screenshots
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check icon

Yes (not blurred)

Productivity Tracking
check icon


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Reports and TimesheetsEasy to generate and simple to understandComplex reporting
Time Tracking
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Apps and Sites Usage Tracking
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Windows logo iconWindows
Mac logo iconmacOS
Linux logo iconLinux
iOS logo iconiOS (coming soon)
Android logo iconAndroid (coming soon)
Windows logo iconWindows
Mac logo iconmacOS




Pricing comparison

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Premium Starter


Free package offers all premium features for 3 users

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All features available

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Free plan


Limited to 3 users, limited features and 3 GB maximum

Cancel icon

Restricted features


Premium Teams


per user, per month

Check icon

All features available

Start a Free 21-day trial



per user, per month
(billed annually only)

Cancel icon

Restricted features



Contact the sales team for a customized plan for over 100 seats

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All features available

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per user, per month
(billed annually only)

Check icon

All features available

Time Tracking


Traqq logo with name

Manual Time Tracking

Once you install Traqq on your computer, you can start logging time by clicking the Start button on Traqq’s taskbar widget. Despite its automated time-tracking feature, the app still gives employees control over what they want to be recorded. Users can pause the tracker when taking breaks or when they finish working on tasks and assignments.

Traqq tracks all user activity, and every minute captured is updated, in real-time, to the online timesheets. Users can get a general insight into the overall activity, including hours worked, via Traqq’s Dashboard.

The timeline displays a user’s activity as ten-minute blocks, each marked with a different color to show the activity level during a given period. The gaps between the colored blocks indicate periods when the tracker was not running.

Idle Time Detection and Notifications

The intelligent Traqq app monitors user activity and alerts you when it doesn’t detect keyboard or mouse movements while the tracker is running. This way, you can avoid logging time that you didn’t work. Reminders will also pop up on your screen if you start working but forget to turn the tracker on.

You can configure the program to alert you of every hour worked to help you manage your time more efficiently.

Manual Time Adjustment

Various circumstances call for manual time entries. Let’s say you worked in the field or attended a client meeting and want to add that time as billable. Traqq makes the process easy for you.

Simply click the option to add time right from the app menu or open the Time Adjustments tab or the Timelines page and select Add manual time. Specify the date and time period you want to manually add to your timeline and provide a brief explanation for the adjustment.

Automatic Time Tracking

ActivTrak tracks time and computer activity automatically. The software is activated whenever you switch on your work device, and no input is required from you. While such a system has its advantages, it doesn’t provide users with control over what they want tracked like with Traqq.

However, ActivTrak supports scheduled monitoring, which means the program allows you to track workstations only during working hours.


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Traqq’s Dashboard displays a summary of activity for all users or groups. It gives you a glance at how productive you or your team were during a given time period.

You can view a list of the top apps and websites, the total time spent on these apps, and your average activity level in percentage. You can filter the type of information you want to see by time period, including Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last 7 days, and so on.

ActivTrak’s Dashboard, unlike Traqq’s, is more complex and may take some time to get used to all the details. Users get access to various dashboards that show a summary of performance for individuals and teams. The dashboards provide leaders with insights into the overall workforce productivity.

Some of its dashboards include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Team Comparison
  • Activity Breakdown
  • Work Efficiency
  • Top Users

Managers can review teams’ productivity data and uncover usage patterns of apps and websites. They can also review the weekly activity of each team member and analyze their work habits, as well as tool usage.

Employee Monitoring

There’s no doubt remote work is on the rise. Managers need a reliable system to see what their teams are working on, regardless of where they work from. A time tracking tool with employee monitoring features makes this easy.

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Traqq offers an elaborate employee monitoring solution for distributed teams. Its non-intrusive approach is highly beneficial, considering how micromanaging your staff is harmful to the work environment.

The app works silently in the background to avoid distracting workers, and you can view all their activities on the Activity page. Here’s how employee monitoring with Traqq works:

Employee Privacy

Teams are always concerned about their privacy, particularly when monitoring tools are employed.

Traqq is the ideal ActivTrak alternative for those who want to promote ethical tracking so as not to compromise worker morale. The tool only monitors a user’s mouse clicks, scrolls, and keyboard activity. It doesn't store passwords or other sensitive details. Its sole intention is to observe how active users are.

Application and Website Monitoring

Traqq records the top ten applications and websites accessed by users for more than ten seconds during work hours. Managers can view the data in the form of a pie chart for quick analysis on the Activity page.

The tool doesn’t track browser activity – just the time you spent on the apps and sites.


ActivTrak, while offering screenshots capture, has a different approach to employee monitoring. The screenshots are taken at regular intervals to show managers what teams are working on.

On the downside, screenshots on ActivTrak show the entire screen without hiding any details. As a manager, do you really need to view every employee detail, including personal matters? This can cause friction with workers due privacy concerns.

Keep in mind that ActivTrak is invisible to users by default. It's not included in the programs list, nor does it create a startup icon on the user’s desktop. The tool is not even recognizable in the Task Manager, while it would probably be best to let the employees know they are being monitored to ensure ethical tracking.

App and Website Usage Tracking

With ActivTrak, you can view a summary of your employees’ work patterns, including the most accessed apps and sites. The tool also reports on the date and time spent on each activity.

Apps and websites are categorized by type, and as productive or unproductive. You can filter the summaries of daily, weekly, and monthly time worked by app or category to get a clear view of time usage.

Productivity Management

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Real-Time Activity Tracking

Traqq monitors activity levels and displays the data in ten-minute blocks. It registers keyboard movements and mouse clicks and scrolls on your screen for accurate activity tracking.

Any inactive period is shown as gaps in your timeline, viewable on the Activity tab. The green color shows high activity levels, yellow indicates normal activity, and red signifies low or no activity.

The different colors help speed up timesheet reviews and assessment of each team member’s performance and productivity potential. You can use the data to identify overperforming or underperforming employees. This way, you can address issues like burnout and habitual absenteeism.

Activity Log

Activity Log on ActivTrak records everything your team does, from URLs and applications used to log-in/log-out entries and passive time. Users can use the various filter options to view the activities of specific users, groups, computers, and periods of time.

ActivTrak also lets you identify over and under-utilized team members via the Workload Management feature. This way, you can find ways to balance the tasks among the employees.

You can also compare the overall working hours versus the total productive and focused hours and review work efficiency.

Reports and Timesheets

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You’ll like Traqq’s simplified, yet powerful reporting feature that can help you view more valuable info on your distributed team members.

Traqq lets you generate the following reports:

Weekly Summary – Shows your personal or your team’s overall performance for the specified week.

Time and Activity – Indicates your personal or your team’s activity levels and the total hours worked.

Apps and Websites – Reveals individual and team application and website usage for the selected period.

Manual Time Adjustments – Shows how much time was manually added during the selected period.

Amounts Earned – Shares a summary of amounts earned by you or your team during the given period.

Idle Time - Gives you an idea of how much work time is spent with no activity detected by the time tracker.

Deleted Tracked Time - Gives you a breakdown on the time that was deleted each day during the selected period.

The reports on Traqq have been generated automatically and updated with all users’ daily activity. You can filter reports by time period, people, or group for a personalized analysis.

Once generated, you can share reports in CSV or PDF file formats by emailing them directly from the app, or saving them to your computer for future review.

ActivTrak gives you access to multiple reports to help you view business metrics and understand how your team works.

You can view the following reports:

Top Users – Shows your top-performing users, total hours worked, and level of productivity.

Productivity – Reveals the total time spent on productive and unproductive activities.

Working Hours – Indicates the user’s first and last activity for each day and displays an overview of their daily activity.

Top Websites – Gives a view of all websites a user visits and for how long.

Top Applications – Shows you which workstation-based applications were accessed by your teams and how much time was spent on each item.

Top Categories – Lets you view the total time spent on specific tasks or projects.

Activity Log – Displays everything your team has been doing on their devices during working hours.

These reports can help you measure and optimize your team's productivity potential.

To Sum Up…

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Choose Traqq to monitor your own or your team’s performance and productivity. This tool ensures efficient time management.

Choose ActivTrak to restrict website usage and monitor unauthorized file sharing.

Get a competitor discount

If you use another time tracker or employee monitoring software, you can get Traqq at up to 30% off.

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