Why Choose Traqq as an Alternative to My Hours? Here's a Detailed Comparison

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Choosing the Right Tracker

Looking for an effortless time tracking tool for any workflow? Traqq is one of the top alternatives to My Hours when it comes to time management and employee monitoring. Both of these tools provide you with data that brings clarity around productivity and profitability.

To help you make the better choice for your business, we bring you a comparison of Traqq and My Hours. We explore the main features they offer and tell you why you should switch to Traqq to maximize productivity.

All the information provided in this article is published in good faith and for comparison purposes only. We do not intend to imply that our product is better than other time trackers on the market. The information is well-researched and unbiased to help you choose the right software for your business. While Traqq strives to make the information as accurate as possible, liability for errors, omissions, accuracy, or completeness of the contents is hereby expressly disclaimed.

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What Is Traqq?

Traqq is a simple time tracker and timesheet software that lets you and your team manage your working hours. It records, in real-time, all the hours you spend on your projects, and adds them to your online timesheets. You can then use the info to analyze your productivity and invoice all billable hours.

The program also allows manual time entries so that teams can edit their logged hours to cover all the hours spent on client projects. Having a documented proof of work ensures that you and your clients are on the same page when it comes to billing.

Traqq offers many useful features, including:

  • Time tracking, so you can gain valuable insights about time management
  • Ethical employee monitoring
  • Detailed reports and online timesheets for profit analysis 
  • Accurate billing
  • Tracking productivity by monitoring computer usage

What Is My Hours?

My Hours is a cloud-based time tracking tool ideal for small to medium-sized teams, as well as freelancers. It lets you add tasks to projects and assign them to team members. Employers can also track employee attendance or absence.

My Hours offers features like:

  • Time and task tracking
  • Generating reports for billable work
  • Creating projects and breaking them down into tasks
  • Creating estimated budgets on a project or task level

Traqq vs My Hours: Detailed Feature Comparison 

Both Traqq and My Hours offer the essential functionality one may expect from a time-tracking solution. It's the details that make one of the tools better than the other.

Time Tracking

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Logging Time

The reason you wanted a time tracker in the first place is to log time. For the most part, Traqq lets you track billable hours for your clients from one platform. If you manage distributed teams, you can invite them to use the tracker, and get real-time data on their work performance.

Traqq is simple to use. To start tracking time, just click on 'Start working' on the Traqq widget, located in your taskbar or mini window. Anytime you wish to take a short break, click the 'Stop working' switch.

Manual Time Entries

With Traqq, you can enter time manually, which is useful if you started working but forgot to log time. You can edit the entries to add time spent with clients outside the office or away from the computer and provide reasons for adjusting time.

This convenient feature allows you to correct time logs to ensure accurate billing.

Offline Time Tracking

Traqq works fully offline, allowing you to keep tracking your activities even if there's no internet connection. It will track every second of your work time and sync all your data as soon as you get connected.

Meanwhile, My Hours is a web-based app, meaning it requires an active network connection to function. However, it allows you to add a time log manually and include descriptions of what you were working on.

Idle Time Tracking

When using Traqq, users will keep seeing reminders pop up on their screens when the tool detects activity while the tracker is off. They will also get notifications to turn off the tracker if mouse movements and keystrokes are not detected while the timer is running.

Doing so ensures time efficiency.

Reminders work differently on My Hours. The app doesn't detect idle time but rather lets you set reminders at the start and the end of your workdays. For example, if you normally work from 9 AM to 4 PM, you can configure the timer to show reminders to start tracking at those hours.

My Hours real-time tracker lets you log work hours to get accurate data on how you spend your time at work. This feature is useful for those who are forgetful and don't want to miss any second on a client's project.

You can start and end time by clicking 'Start now' at the start of your workday or 'Stop' when you finish work.

Manual Time Tracking

If you prefer the traditional approach to time tracking, My Hours allows you to log work hours manually. You can fill in the timesheet on a day-to-day basis or weekly by adding a time log to a particular task, project, or client.

Employee Monitoring 

When employees know that management keeps track of their work, they tend to be more focused and less distracted. As a result, they become more efficient and productive.

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Traqq time tracker offers ethical monitoring to protect the privacy of your staff. Here's how employee monitoring with Traqq works:

App and Website Monitoring

Traqq provides employers with a detailed summary of how employees spend their time at work, via the Apps and Websites tracker. The moment the timer is up and running, all applications and URLs a user accesses are tracked.

Administrators can view Apps and Websites reports, so they can analyze hours spent on productive and non-productive time. If you discover a lot of time is being wasted on non-work-related stuff, you can address the issue before it gets out of hand.

My Hours doesn't offer any employee tracking features, like URLs and app tracking. Rather, it lets you view work logs entered by your team on the timesheet. 

Failing to monitor employee time and idle time can be disadvantageous. You can't get a clear picture of the times your workers are most productive. What's more, you can't really tell how team members spend their time at work.

Reports and Timesheets

Want to understand where you are wasting labor and how to improve your team's performance? You need a time tracker that offers time reporting. When it comes to reports and timesheets, is Traqq a good alternative to My Hours?

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Traqq lets you analyze time usage and measure the overall efficiency of your projects with simplified timesheets. You can use the data on these reports to identify productivity leaks, issues with workflow, and overworked employees.

The reports, which are clear and easy to understand, are categorized as follows:

Weekly Summary - lets you generate a weekly report with summarized details of all team members' activity and performance levels.

Time and Activity - displays a report with the total amount of time teams spent working on projects.

Apps and Websites - generates a report showing the time spent on each application or website.

Manual Time Adjustment - gives you an overview of the total amount of time that was manually added during the period you have selected.

Amounts Earned - lets you view the amounts earned by you or your team over a given period.

Idle Time - shows how much time is spent with no activity while the timer is running during work days.

Deleted Tracked Time - provides statistics on the minutes that were deleted by the user during your selected time period.

These reports can prove helpful for managers when assigning future tasks. If you offer client services based on billable hours, you can automate your billing and invoicing for smoother payroll processing.

You can filter reports by People or Groups and specify the period you want to be reported. Once generated, you can export the reports in CSV or PDF format. The app allows you to email the reports to clients directly from the platform. Or, you can save them to your computer for future reference.

My Hours features online and manual time tracking. The hours are logged in timesheets, for deeper analysis. The app offers the following reports:

Activity Report - displays the team members' activities for accomplished tasks. It shows details like billable and non-billable time, labor cost, total hours logged, and billable amount.

Dashboard Report - displays a summary of all activities without all the details in Activity Report.

Economy Report - shows the estimated project budget and expenses to help you calculate the profits.

Team Pivot Report - breaks down how team members spent time on tasks and projects.

Timesheet Report - shows a weekly report of the daily time spent by employees on projects and tasks.

My Hours offers advanced reporting and allows you to filter the reports by team, clients, projects, and tasks. Users can export reports in XLS format for further analysis or use with other systems.

Team Management

Both Traqq and My Hours offer team management features. Here's how they compare:

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Managing teams on Traqq is effortless. The account owner can invite people to track their activity via the People page. Once the people you want to invite receive the invitation emails, they will need to register and install the Traqq desktop app.

After that, they will appear on your  'Dashboard'  and 'People' pages. Account Owners and Admins can assign team members roles when inviting them. Users have limited access and can only view and manage their own accounts and activity.

Managers, apart from viewing and managing their personal activity and account, can also view the activity of all Users in the groups. Admins have more access rights, including changing organization settings and managing the activity and accounts of all Managers and Users.

You can add team members to start tracking time and assign them to the tasks and projects. Account owners have permission to assign roles to the user, depending on the access rights. A normal user can only track time, while project managers can manage the assigned tasks and projects.

Productivity Tracking

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To accurately analyze your team's performance, you need to track their productivity. Traqq simplifies this process for you via  'Activity' monitoring. The tool registers keyboard and mouse clicks to track how actively each team member is using their computer.

You can assign a project to a client and set it as billable or non-billable. The tool comes with templates to set up tasks, set project budgets, and track the progress of tasks. Account admins can also track employee attendance and absence and determine how it may affect productivity. They can then reassign tasks accordingly to avoid delays.

In Conclusion…

Traqq is right for you if:

  • You are looking for a clock-in/clock-out app without a project management solution. 
  • You want simple time-tracking software to track billable time. 
  • You want to generate simple and flexible reports for faster, easier, and more accurate invoicing.
  • You are looking for an employee monitoring tool that promotes ethical tracking.

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My Hours is right for you if:

  • You are looking for a tool that lets you create project budgets. 
  • You want a time tracker that also monitors tasks.
  • You are looking for a program that supports integrations with third-party applications.

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If you use another time tracker or employee monitoring software, you can get Traqq at up to 30% off.

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