The Ultimate List of Productivity Tools

Productivity Tools

Most of us want to be productive, and it is the driving force that motivates us to work. However, being prolific is not as easy as it seems. You have to be proficient in managing all your tasks and completing them within a reasonable time frame. If you want to survive in the busy, fast-paced world, you’ll need all the tools for boosting your productivity. After all, it can be difficult to stay focused when you’re juggling so many responsibilities and tasks. 

The best productivity tools are tailored to a person’s lifestyle and interests. In this post, we’re going to discuss some of the efficiency tools that will help you maximize your productivity.

Tools for Tracking Your Time

1. Traqq


Traqq is one of the free productivity tools you should download. If you want to become efficient, you need to know what’s wasting your time. In this case, using a time tracking app like Traqq will help you. This lightweight and user-friendly tool will run in the background and monitor the websites you visit and the apps you use. On the dashboard, you will see which activities are eating into your time. As a result, you will be able to identify your common time wasters.

Traqq does more than just tell you how you’re spending your time. This tool is also designed to help you create invoices easily. Once you install the app, all you need to do is click Start, and Traqq will automatically log your work hours. At the end of the week or month, you can check the dashboard and see your timesheet for the entire period. What’s more, you can export the data to a CSV file for easier invoice generation. With manual timesheets out of the way, you can focus on more important tasks and boost your productivity.

2. MinuteDock


MinuteDock is a personal productivity tool you’ll need if you want to streamline your timekeeping, billing, and progress monitoring processes. If you don’t work online all the time, you can add hours manually to the tool. What’s more, the tool will help you become efficient by showing you reports of your performance. If you’re managing a remote team, you can also use MinuteDock to monitor the productivity of individual members or the entire staff. For easier payment processing, you can even integrate the app with your preferred accounting tool.

3. ActivTrak


ActivTrak is another personal productivity tool that you need if you want to track your time and computer activities. You can use it to watch your performance, the websites you visit and the apps you use. If you’re managing a remote team, you can use ActivTrak as an online monitoring tool for your employees. Once the program spots any suspicious activity, you will receive alerts. ActivTrak also allows you to restrict access to non-work-related websites for optimum focus. As a manager, you can terminate unwanted applications remotely as soon as you notice any harmful activity.

Tools for Organizing Your Projects and Tasks

4. Asana


Asana markets itself as one of the top productivity tools for keeping individuals and teams organized. It is ideal for more complex projects and bigger teams. So, it may not be the perfect option for those who prefer a simple to-do list. Even so, if collaboration and communication are important to you, then Asana is a good choice. You can create a chat window within a project for discussing particular tasks. Aside from that, Asana creates a visual representation of your tasks, making it easier for you to manage them.

5. Shift

Shift is the ultimate tool to simplify your app management and boost your productivity. This software centralizes all your favorite applications, email accounts, and workflows to reduce context switching and maximize productivity. Shift allows you to easily manage multiple accounts and workflows by connecting them in one intuitive hub. With Shift, you can enjoy a more productive browser experience by accessing all of your digital tools in one simplified interface. These features keep you concentrated and help you avoid distractions, making your online tasks a breeze.

6. Trello


If you’re a fan of the Kanban board, then Trello should be included in your list of productivity improvement tools. It’s so visually appealing that it almost looks like a Pinterest board. The app lets you add tasks under lists or cards, which you can drag depending on their status in the project life cycle. It may not be as revolutionary as Asana, but it is the ideal alternative for those who want a simple tool for managing their tasks.

7. ProofHub


Productivity also depends on how well you plan your projects and collaborate with your colleagues. Well, ProofHub is a cloud-based tool for work that has been trusted by thousands of teams for task management. It has a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to use. After all, a project management tool is supposed to organize your tasks—not turn them into something more complicated. Another great thing about ProofHub is that it comes with a mobile app. So, you can continue organizing your tasks even when you’re on the go. 

8. Freedcamp


Freedcamp is an online productivity tool that offers a central hub for project organization and delivery. You can use this tool to discuss task details and share files with your colleagues. What’s great about Freedcamp is that it offers several functionalities for free. However, if you want to add more team members and sync your projects with Google Calendar, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the paid plans. You can also access other advanced features like invoices and CRM. 

Tools for Productive Content Writing

9. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor

If you’re writing content for the web, you need to ensure that what you create is optimized for search results. The thing is, people lose their interest when the text exceeds their reading ability. You can ensure content readability by using the Hemingway app. This free productivity software will make your writing easier to read and more accessible for a bigger audience. The Hemingway editor will show you which phrases and words you can simplify and which sentences you can shorten. You’ll also see your content’s ‘readability grade level’ according to the metrics from Flesh-Kincaid readability tests.

10. Copyscape

Copyscape is one of the online productivity applications that content writers swear by. After all, copied or plagiarized text can hurt any blogger’s credibility. For writers, being productive is synonymous with producing quality content. The tool will compare your submission to millions of web pages. This way, you can ensure that your articles are unique. While searches are paid, they are not expensive. Copyscape credits are available for at least $10, and usually, a thousand-word article will only cost you $0.02.

Tool for Managing Account Passwords

11. LastPass

If you’re always struggling to remember passwords, writing them on a piece of paper is not the ideal solution. After all, someone can easily go through your desk and discover your passwords. Instead, you should use a secure password management tool like LastPass. You can use this app across several devices, and it will even audit your passwords and help you create better ones. This tool uses multi-factor authentication for your master password. So, you can manage all your passwords in a single, protected hub. LastPass has been recommended by PC Magazine, CNet, and Lifehacker.

Tools for Managing Your Social Media Assets

12. Buffer

Being productive also means being efficient at your job. Now, if you want an easy way to share web articles across several social media accounts, you should use Buffer. All you need to do is connect your social media accounts to Buffer, then schedule your content for publishing. If you discover an article that you know your followers will love, you can click Buffer’s bookmark button. The article will be placed in the publishing queue and will be shared at your designated time.

13. HootSuite

HootSuite may be an old player in the field, but it is still one of the best tools for helping you manage your social media accounts efficiently. Its user-friendly dashboard allows you to monitor all your activities across different social networks. HootSuite even allows you to schedule posts, organize Twitter followers and lists, delegate assignments to individuals, and measure social media performance.

Tools for Creating Simple To-Do Lists


For some, project management platforms can be too complicated. In that case, using a simple to-do list app is the perfect solution, and is one of the best options. With this app, you can use your voice to create to-do lists, and its ‘plan my day’ feature can be handy if you tend to forget things. You can also integrate the app with Outlook calendars. This way, you can view your tasks and appointments in one place. 

15. Todoist

Todoist may be one of the oldest work productivity tools, but it gets more and more powerful every year. You can color-code your tasks for easy organization. What’s more, the app has a user-friendly design and an easy sign-up process. Now, if you need more than just a to-do list app, you can still use Todoist. This app lets you create dependencies, subtasks, primary projects, and sub-projects.

Tools for Organizing Your Emails

16. Unroll.Me

Having a cluttered inbox won’t help you become productive online. Well, with Unroll.Me, you can clean up your inbox and compile all your newsletters into a single bundle. Once you find the time to read them, you can open the bundle and skim through the emails. Unroll.Me hides all the junk in your email and only shows you what’s important. As a result, you become more efficient at scanning through your messages.

17. SaneBox

If you want a hassle-free way to organize your inbox, try using SaneBox. This tool will analyze your email activities to determine which messages matter to you and which don’t. Those that aren’t as important will be moved to the SaneLater folder. Once you have the time, you can check that folder to scan through the emails. By hiding away less important emails, the tool helps you focus on messages that matter more to you. As a result, you will be more productive in terms of handling your emails.

In Conclusion

Becoming productive is not an easy feat, and you’ll need all the tools to help you. However, you don’t have to use all the apps that we mentioned in this article. You simply need to identify the productivity tools that will suit your needs and work. With enough practice, staying focused and efficient will be natural to you.

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