
Virtual Reality in the Workplace and The Best Apps for VR Meetings

We’ve been through this pandemic for over a year. So, it is not uncommon to have a doctor’s appointment, a happy hour, or a work meeting from our desks. Fueled by lockdown restrictions, online conferencing …

Traqq – A Time Tracker That You Can Use on Multiple Computers

Here at Traqq, we understand that not everyone works on a single device throughout the day. For instance, developers have to test their apps on different devices to ensure they run smoothly. Even websites need …

The Comprehensive Guide to Employee Productivity

Most employees start their mornings hoping that they would have a productive day. However, it’s only natural for humans to get distracted. This is evident in what scientists from Princeton University and the University of …

Working from Home: What Expenses Should my Employer Cover?

Indeed, working from home has become the norm for so many employees around the country. With many people using their personal resources for work, it’s only natural for anyone to ask this question: What expenses …

Understanding Takt Time vs. Cycle Time vs. Lead Time

In the manufacturing and assembly industry, Takt Time, Cycle Time, and Lead Time are some of the fundamental concepts that help managers to better understand how to optimize workflow, resources, and the time it takes …

Trello vs Asana: Which Is the Best Project Management Software?

It’s impossible not to encounter Trello and Asana when you’re looking for the best project management app to use for your team. Both of them are considered to be freemium tools that make organizing and …

Here Are 18 Companies That Have Switched to Long-Term Remote Work

Months into the pandemic, many companies were forced to allow their employees to work remotely to keep their operations going. Even so, they quickly realized the numerous benefits of the work-from-home model. With no need …

Remote Work Guide: How to Invoice for Hourly Work

58% of freelancers have encountered a client who didn’t pay them, a survey commissioned by PayPal revealed. So, it’s important that you use an effective billing process, especially when you’re paid an hourly rate. Moreover, …

What Are the Most Common Ethical Issues in Business?

Any business owner has had to deal with challenging and unforeseen ethical issues in their operations. Unfortunately, just because your intentions are pure, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your management method is also ethical. You …

15 Project Time Tracking Software & Tools

When working with remote teams, managing a project efficiently is no walk in the park. What you need is convenience, streamlined workflows, accuracy, and efficiency. None of these are possible without the right project time …

How to Get Promoted at Work: 7 Actionable Tips

You’ve kept on grinding away and consistently produced awe-inspiring work. Well, kudos to you! However, you shouldn’t think that your hard work is all for nothing. It’s high time you learned how to get promoted. …

How Using an Activity Log Can Help You Maximize Your Day

Are you aware of the time you spend on things that do not contribute to your growth and success? Those who strive to be productive may think that they rarely waste time. Well, if you …