Mind Manipulation: How Credible Are the Claims in the 6506148 B2 Patent?

Remember that gut-wrenching feeling of discovering that your partner has been fooling you for so long? No one wants to learn that their brain has been conditioned to believe lies. This is probably why a lot of people are obsessed with finding the truth about Patent 6506148 B2. A quick Google search will tell you that this patent opens the possibility of manipulating the nervous system through computers and televisions.

Is it true that the government controls our minds through the ads and shows we see through our TV sets and monitors?

Is Patent US6506148 B2 fake, or does it hold some truth?

What Is US6506148 B2?

The US Patent 6506148 B2, also known as ‘Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors,’ was filed by Hendricus G. Loss in 2001. The patent was published in 2003, but no one could trace who Loss was. As such, he has been generally perceived as a fictitious person.

The patent claims that it’s possible to manipulate a subject’s nervous system by displaying pulsing images on a nearby TV set or computer monitor. The program material can be embedded with the image pulsing, overlaid by a video stream.

It further illustrates how electromagnetic fields pulsed within the ideal frequencies can excite the subject’s sensory resonances. Included in the patent are several claims about how video transmission can manipulate a person’s nervous system.

Since the patent is available online with the description of the technique and all, it naturally became a cause of concern for many people. After all, free keyloggers for Mac and Windows are accessible online, and anyone can take inspiration from the patent to control the minds of unsuspecting computer users. Should we be concerned about the US6506148 B2 patent?

Understanding Mind Manipulation

Technically speaking, mind control is the ability to manipulate electrical activity in brain circuits. The technique frightens many as it has a tragic history of abuse. For instance, in the 1970s, neuropsychologist Robert Heath attempted to “cure” a homosexual man by inserting electrodes into his brain, stimulating his pleasure center. Meanwhile, Spanish neurophysiology professor José Delgado used a radio-controlled device to activate the electrodes implanted in a bull’s brain, manipulating its behavior and function.

Naturally, over the decades, various conspiracy theories have formed around mind control. In popular culture, it has been broadly defined as subjecting humans to indoctrination that impairs their autonomy or their ability to have independent beliefs. Adherents to the technique believed that they could control the human mind through the dissemination of propaganda messages. Mass communication theories like Framing, Priming, and Agenda Setting support the idea that the media can use messages to control the way the human mind thinks.

In theory, it is possible to influence the public’s ideas and beliefs through mass media. As people are exposed to a certain message, over time, they become attached to it, accepting it as a reality. Once this happens, then anyone can conclude that people’s thinking faculties have been altered.

Brainwashing in the History of War

Over the years, mind manipulation has moved from mere media propaganda messages to military abuse. As revealed by forensic psychologist Dick Anthony, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used brainwashing techniques against communism in the 1950s, amidst the Korean War. The big reveal prompted a deep investigation into the organization. Soon after, it was discovered that the US government had been dabbling in mind control techniques since World War II.

In 1945, the US government launched a secret intelligence program to recruit Nazi scientists. Code-named as Operation Paperclip, the program aimed to harness these Nazi scientists’ knowledge. They were promised protection from legal prosecution if they worked for the government. Once they started their operations, the scientists focused on various clandestine experiments, including mind manipulation through technology.

In the 1950s, the US Defense Department and the CIA supported these Nazi scientists in conducting the MKULTRA project, which was later renamed as Project ARTICHOKE. The research involved interrogation, mind control, behavior modification, and other related topics. Once these secret intelligence programs surfaced, the CIA never denied them. All the organization said about these clandestine projects was that they had been discontinued. To this day, you can visit the CIA’s online library and find bits of information about Operation Paperclip.

Indeed, it is difficult to trust the CIA. How do we know if they’ve succeeded in inventing technology that can manipulate the human mind? This is why it is alarming to learn about mind control patents.

Should We Pay Close Attention to This ‘Mind Control’ Patent?

As we’ve mentioned, mass communication theories support the idea of influencing people’s thinking by exposing them to propaganda messages via the Internet or television. However, is it true that a person can be controlled by means of manipulating their nervous system?

The nervous system is responsible for controlling a person’s senses by transmitting messages throughout the body. Neuroscientists say that the brain controls the nervous system. A complex bioelectrical organ, the brain has the ability to produce electric fields. This is also the reason why listening to binaural beats and other similar techniques can help you rewire your brain for focus. For instance, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can excite or jam certain brain circuits.

Now that we know that a patent for manipulating the brain through impulses is available, can we assume that the mind control US650 conspiracy is plausible?

The patent is a lot similar to how certain types of strobes can cause seizures. When you expose photoreceptors to particular stimuli, they can trigger reactions in the nervous system or the brain. Even so, we should look closely at the focus of the patent. If you read it, you will notice that it doesn’t involve visual stimuli. Instead, it focuses on skin stimuli through weak electromagnetic fields pulsed within 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz frequencies.

Taken at face value, the patent does not look like a promising technique for mind manipulation. A quick glance will show you that it intends to use TV screens and computer monitors in managing spiking patterns, which may be disabling or at least annoying. However, we won’t consider US6506148 B2 debunked, and there’s probably something more to it than what we mentioned. However, if you dissect the patent closely, you won’t be able to catch any nefarious subtext in the content.

It’s also important to be wary of conspiracy theories. Because of the stressful life events around the world, people naturally find ways to make sense of the perplexing circumstances. Various COVID-19 conspiracy theories may offer seductive comfort in these uncertain times. However, they can rob us of life-saving medication and obstruct our socio-economic progress. As always, it is every individual’s responsibility to perform due diligence before believing anything they read online or see on their TVs.

Even so, we cannot ignore concerns related to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Within the last decade, hundreds of scientists from different countries reached out to the United Nations, asking the World Health Organization to implement protective guidelines for EMF exposure. These concerns are proof that we shouldn’t ignore ‘mind control’ patents. What’s more, they indicate that we must be careful about what we expose our eyes and minds to.

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