What Is Monroe’s Motivated Sequence?

Monroe’s motivated sequence is a five-step technique that helps people deliver persuasive speeches and morale-boosting presentations.

Have you ever attended a motivational session, perhaps by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, or maybe someone who’s not as famous as those listed above?

What did you think after they delivered a one-in-a-million presentation that made everyone present ready to bounce off the walls?

Let me guess, you thought, “This is a heavenly gift, and not everybody can persuade others with so much force.”

That’s not a correct idea. Anybody interested in motivating others into action can make ants jump into people’s pants for whatever it is they want them to do.

Monroe’s motivated sequence teaches how to correctly create a memorable presentation that can stir the minds of those you want to inspire. Monroe described the pattern in his book titled “Monroe’s Principles of Speech.”

Do you have a group of people you want to inspire to go the extra mile? Ideally, if you are managing a company/team or supervising an aspect of your organization, you have a role in keeping them on their toes.

That’s why you need a persuasive speech outline that can help you get the best results.

The Outline of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

The Outline of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence: Attract Your Audience’s Attention
Create a Need
Satisfy the Need
Visualize the Implications

Monroe’s motivated sequence can be divided into five steps:

  1. Attract Your Audience’s Attention
  2. Create a Need
  3. Satisfy the Need
  4. Visualize the Implications
  5. Make a Call to Action

Attracting Your Audiences Attention

Effective speakers are known for their credibility. If you want to penetrate the hearts of the people listening to your presentation or reading your speech, you must have a high level of credibility and make sure it is known to the audience.

To prove your reliability to those you are trying to motivate, you should give the impression that you can be trusted to tell only the truth. Also, people feel more attached to those who identify with their current situation, so you might want to ensure you appear that way as much as possible.

If you have little authority in the area where you are trying to motivate people, or if you have made seemingly insignificant progress, your audience might not consider you credible. Your listeners want to be sure that you are an expert in the field before they zero in on listening to you.

how to attract audience’s attention

Fortunately, you can amass knowledge of any field using the internet even if you don’t have formal training in that area.

How Can You Prove Your Credibility?

Don’t worry about what to do to prove your credibility while delivering your presentation; we have got you covered with practical examples and will show you how to do it:

1. Hint your audience that you have done in-depth research on the subject. For example, you can say the following:

While studying for this presentation, I noticed that experts in the field are often faced with many challenges…

Making that statement will tell your listeners that they can learn from you. Moreover, you will grab their attention.

2. Next, you have to keep them focused on what you’re saying for the rest of the presentation. The typical way to do this is to convince your listeners that the topic is crucial for them to be aware of.

Assuming you are trying to motivate a COVID-19 response team to be more conscious about safety while they go about saving lives, you can say something like this:

I want to help as many people as possible. I know you want to save COVID-19 patients too. However, should we not do our best to avoid contracting it so we can stay healthy to keep fighting for others to survive the disease?

3. To create a more thought-provoking environment, you can say something controversial and suspenseful:

Many health workers grow excessively confident and think they are not vulnerable, but we have heard about many of them contracting the disease.

4. You can also add a quote by an authority on matters relating to COVID-19:

Earlier in March, Dr. Michael J. Ryan of the WHO Informal Advisory Group said that fighting the COVID-19 pandemic takes a considerable level of health workers’ commitment. He also cited shortages of health workers and PPE needed to treat the growing number of COVID-19 cases.

5. Use rhetorical questions to engage their thinking more:

Do you think this is an important matter to be addressed now? Should we just continue our duty to the community and pretend that some of us are not being affected along the way?

6. You may have won the hearts of your audience with the previous steps, but people understand things better with visual cues. That is, you should have charts, infographics, and videos to support your claims.

Creating a Need

Create a Need and Explain the challenge

1. After getting your audience’s attention and making them aware of the problem, you must explain it so they will understand it more clearly.

Explaining the challenge will help ensure that your listeners are engrossed in your presentation and are eager to learn about your solution to the problem:

What I want to do is save the lives of COVID-19 patients. At the same time, I want to be as careful as I can so I don’t contract the virus myself. How do I achieve that?

2. Provide data that proves your argument is credible:

Earlier this year, a report by the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine said that 3,300 health workers were infected in China and 6,500 medical personnel were infected in Spain.

3. If you know a real-life example of a health worker who narrated their story of fighting COVID-19, you can share it with your audience:

News on Aljazeera featured a doctor in Bamenda, Cameroon, who shared his experience of treating COVID-19 patients alongside other health workers in the country.

According to the doctor, the authorities have not done anything tangible in ensuring health workers’ safety. Many Cameroonian districts do not yet have adequate training, educational materials, and PPE to tackle COVID-19 in the country.

The doctor claimed he had learned about COVID-19 safety procedures online. However, many health workers can’t access the internet because they don’t have the means. This category of health workers also does not go through priority testing, which puts them and their patients at risk.

He added that based on official figures, of the 44 COVID-19-related deaths in the country, at least five doctors have died.

He attributed the unfortunate situation to the government’s insignificant efforts to compensate health workers. Also, he added that the irregularity of power supply hurts most medical personnel’s morale.

4. At this point, your audience is probably completely into the presentation, mainly because of the sad cases of medical workers who died trying to save others. Interestingly, they may also begin to imagine solutions that can add value to the meeting.

Satisfying the Need

Satisfying the Need

1. Now that your listeners are fully aware of the problem or the need, you need to start moving towards the solution. Depending on whether you want it to be an interactive presentation, you can ask for suggestions before or after you have suggested some possible solutions.

However, since you know more about the subject than your listeners, they will look forward to your suggestions more than theirs.

So, you have to present your ideas as reliable ways or means of resolving the pressing issue. Your solution ideas must be clear, concise, practical, and easy to understand.

For instance, you can say this:

The shortage of health workers to tackle the rising number of people with COVID-19 has led to a reduced emphasis on training medical personnel before sending them out on the job.

We must ensure that adequate training is ongoing both for recruits and existing health workers. The training should be regular and preferably take place at least every month.

Moreover, there are always discoveries about the novel coronavirus. It’s good for health practitioners to be well aware of them so that they’ll be more careful while treating parents.

Also, the government should provide adequate financial, social, and emotional support for health workers, mainly because they are at the frontline and are unable to have as much time with family, friends, and loved ones as they need.

No matter how self-sacrificing health workers are, people can lose morale. Showing appreciation goes a long way in boosting health workers’ confidence and helping them give their best to patients while also ensuring their health is not at risk.

2. Use charts, images, infographics, objects, and real-life examples to back up your solution. At this point, your listeners already know your mind, but they may still have questions about your solutions running through their thoughts.

This will take us to the fourth step in Monroe’s motivated sequence.

Visualizing the Implications

create a mental image of what your solution will cause

1. At this point, you have to create a mental image of what the implications of your proposal might be. Unless you are deity, you may not be able to determine the consequences precisely, but you should at least have a clear picture of what your solution will cause in theory.

This will determine whether your listeners will choose your solution or opt for a different one. You should make them see your answer as the best thing to do by pointing to the benefits of adopting your model or, on the flip side, the danger of rejecting your plan.

2. Ensure your visualization is realistic and clear enough:

I believe the only solution to the pandemic is well-informed, trained, and motivated health workers. They are ready to battle against the dreaded disease and are also willing to protect themselves from the virus so they can save more people.

I believe doctors are humans and can feel mistreated, rejected, and demotivated if the government fails to compensate them adequately or provide the necessary tools and equipment to make fighting the disease much more manageable.

If we don’t implement these measures, we’ll have more demotivated health practitioners whose commitment to saving lives will only last as long as their willpower. Moreover, with family eager to see us at home, what’s the point of facing a demon and risking our lives when nobody appreciates it?

3. Note that you must make these consequences appear tangible to your audience. They have to be realistic, such that your audience can also create a mental picture and be convinced that there’s no better idea than yours.

Making the Right Call

Make the Right Call

1. In every aspect of life, making the right call is very important. Even in the military, captains of armies often have to make a call at critical times during an operation, and the success or failure of their missions depends on whether they make the right call or the wrong one.

Since you have done a lot of work and persuasion during your presentation, make a straight call without leaving any room for doubt. Don’t leave room for options even though you have to avoid making your listeners feel like they are being coerced.

You can say something like this:

It’s up to us to prove to the world that we deserve to be safe while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. If we stay silent, the world will think we are happy with the situation around us, and that will be “suffering in silence.”

The world appreciates what we are doing in saving lives, and they want to hear us. They want to know if we are also well. Trust me, they wouldn’t hesitate to fight for us if they discover we are suffering.

2. Use a shocking quote, a poetic sentence, or any other creative piece to wind up your presentation:

When the guardians of the galaxy are no longer on their thrones, in whose hands does the fate of the world lie?…

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