
20 Tips to Save Time Every Day

Do you sometimes feel like there isn’t enough time in a day to accomplish your tasks? Well, you’re not alone. Most of us feel this way at some point and are constantly searching for ways …

Four Day Work Week: Should you implement it? Pros and Cons

Imagine a three-day weekend! What would you do with it? Probably spend more time with family or finally make that appointment with your doctor? Or perhaps you’d finally get the time to compete in the …

Fixed Schedule: Will It Boost or Hinder Your Productivity?

Do you wish to get more done every day of the week, but the hours always seem insufficient? You may want to try the fixed schedule approach. This work schedule is said to force you …

How to Improve Time Management (+ Pro Tips for Freelancers)

When it comes to time management, there’s no one-size fits all approach. The reason being we all have unique work habits and preferences in how we want to accomplish work. But the fact remains that …

Best Time Recording Practices for Remote Employees

As a business owner or manager, you’ll agree that time recording is essential to improving the efficiency, performance, and productivity of your teams. However, tracking work hours can be difficult to master, especially for remote …

What Happens if You Forget to Clock Out?

In 2020, there were 73.3 million hourly workers in the U.S., according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you’re among the millions of hourly employees, you understand the importance of proper time tracking. …

Workload Management: 10 Best Practices from Successful Team Leaders

Effective workload management is a crucial aspect of leading a successful team. If employees are always struggling to complete tasks and assignments on time, or most of them are having to work overtime to hit …

High Performer: What Skills Do You Need to Become One?

What separates the average employee from a high performer? Most of us know them when we see them. These are people who work efficiently, have positive energy, and are always motivated. They are willing to …

8 Best Memorization Techniques to Boost Productivity

It’s funny how some of us struggle with memory lapses while others seem to have photographic memories. How many times have you opened the fridge, immediately forget why you opened it, and walk away without …

How to Calculate Time Difference in Excel: A Step-By-Step Guide

They say that time is money, but if you use Excel, time is formulas, conditional formatting, and pivot tables. Knowing how to calculate time difference in Excel can make all the difference between spending hours …

What Is Biweekly Pay? Understanding the Basics

What Is Biweekly Pay? Biweekly pay is a payroll model in which workers are paid every two weeks a month. The biweekly pay model suits businesses that choose automated billing processing with an automated time …

What is Transformational Leadership and How to Apply It to Your Business?

Over the years, the transformational leadership style has changed the digital landscape for the better. Managers who use this method build an engaged workforce that’s motivated to innovate and work towards the success of their …