The Simplest Employee Monitoring Software

Get insights into team efficiency and productivity using a single tool.

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Apps and URLs

Apps and URLs

  • Traqq will detect and report the apps and websites a user spends more than 10 seconds on. The top 3 apps and websites will be displayed for every 15-minute time slot.

  • The info is displayed in the form of a pie chart along with a summary of the top 10 websites and apps.

  • Get insights into what’s wasting time and take measures to restore efficiency.

Activity Levels

Activity Levels

  • The employee monitoring tool reports activity levels by tracking mouse movements and keyboard clicks. Unlike keyloggers, Traqq does not record the actual words typed or links clicked.

  • On the Activity page, you’ll see the average daily activity as a percentage and as blocks of colors on the timeline.

  • See activity peaks and drops, analyze root causes, and take action to ensure top productivity.

Attendance and Idle Time

Attendance and Idle Time

  • Traqq provides you with transparent insights into work, breaks, and idle times.

  • With the detailed attendance timeline, you can see the timeframes and intervals when your team members were most or least productive.

Employee Monitoring Software Ultimate Guide

The demand for employee monitoring software in the period from 2019 until 2022 has grown by 65% globally across various business sectors.

The popularity of employee monitoring software can be observed across most industries and is particularly pronounced in companies operating in IT and software development, financial services and banking, call centres and customer support, E-commerce and retail, healthcare, legal firms, marketing and even manufacturing and governmental sectors.

Yet, despite its growing appeal across diverse sectors, there persists a common misconception about its purpose, with many erroneously labelling it as a mere "spy" tool.

This misconceived perception can be addressed through transparent communication from employers. By clearly articulating the objectives behind implementing such software and emphasising its role in enhancing productivity, ensuring data security, and optimising workflows rather than mere surveillance, companies can reduce fears and concerns.

Employee Monitoring Software Ultimate Guide

Track Employee Attendance

Employee monitoring software is, at its core, a tool designed to enhance productivity and streamline operations in a remote or hybrid work setting or both. This technology offers businesses a close and detailed outlook on the daily operations, behaviours, and productivity levels of their workforce.

Regardless of the goals that a company pursues by introducing employee monitoring software in its operational processes, such software plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between management expectations and employee performance.

Automated Absence Management

Employee monitoring software, regardless of common misconception of it simply allowing to keep an eye on employees, allows, among other things, to:

  • Understand work patterns,

  • Identify bottlenecks, and

  • Ensure that teams are working efficiently.

The software also provides insights into some of crucial work-related aspects:

  • How employees spend their work hours,

  • Which tasks take the most time, and

  • Where there might be opportunities for training or process improvement.

Employee Scheduling

Recent findings highlighted the widespread use of employee monitoring tools. It was revealed that nearly 80% of employers are leveraging software to track both employee performance and their online activities.

This indicates a growing trend towards a more data-driven approach to managing and evaluating workforce efficiency.

Incorporating employee monitoring software into a business's operational strategy can lead to a more efficient, secure, and high-performing work environment.

What Activities Can Be Monitored in the Workplace

In today's digital age, the capabilities of employee monitoring software have evolved significantly, offering employers a comprehensive view of their employees' activities. Most advanced monitoring tools on the market now enable users to have real-time insights into virtually everything happening on an employee's desktop. This list is quite extensive and includes:


Every key pressed on the keyboard can be recorded, providing detailed data on what employees are typing. This can be especially useful for roles that require substantial data entry or writing.

Browsing Activity

Employers can see the websites visited by their employees, the duration of the visit, and even the specific pages viewed. This helps in ensuring that employees are using the Internet for work-related tasks and not for personal leisure during working hours.


Monitoring software can track both incoming and outgoing emails. This not only helps in understanding the communication flow but also in ensuring that sensitive company information is not being shared inappropriately.

Removable Device Monitoring

As businesses become more digitally connected, the risks associated with unauthorised data transfers have grown. Employee monitoring software can track the usage of removable devices like USB drives, external hard drives, or SD cards when connected to company devices. This ensures that sensitive company data isn't copied or transferred without authorization, providing an additional layer of security against potential data breaches or theft.

Chat Monitoring

With the rise of instant messaging and live chat platforms in professional settings, it's crucial for businesses to ensure these tools are used appropriately. Live chat monitoring tracks real-time conversations across various platforms, be it internal communication tools like Skype, Slack or Teams, or external customer support chats. This type of monitoring helps maintain a professional tone in communications, ensures compliance with company policies, and protects sensitive information from being inadvertently shared.

How a Business Can Benefit From Employee Monitoring

Employee monitoring, when implemented thoughtfully and ethically, can offer a range of significant advantages to businesses within the ever-changing work scene.

By harnessing the power of monitoring tools and strategies, organizations can gain valuable insights into employee performance, enhance security, boost productivity, ensure compliance with company’s policies and legal requirements — and more.

How a Business Can Benefit From Employee Monitoring

Expanded Savings

One of the most compelling reasons for businesses to adopt employee monitoring software is the potential for significant financial savings. When employees remain productive throughout their working hours, employers receive better value for the wages they disburse. The principle is simple: increased productivity translates to a better return on investment for every dollar spent on employee salaries.

Data from American companies indicate that by increasing productivity through the installation of employee monitoring software, enterprises can avoid losses ranging from $450 billion to $550 billion annually.

Cost Efficiency

Contrary to popular belief, investing in employee monitoring software doesn't necessarily mean breaking the bank. The cost of these tools is often outweighed by the tangible benefits they provide.

On average, the expenditure for such software ranges from $20 to $150 per user annually. Considering the potential gains in productivity and the prevention of costly mishaps, this can be seen as a prudent investment.

Increased Work Engagement

Employee monitoring software can play a significant role in supporting work engagement. By providing a transparent lens into an individual's work patterns and habits, the software allows employees to self-reflect and understand their productivity levels. Managers, in turn, can utilise these insights to offer targeted feedback, celebrate achievements, and collaboratively address areas of improvement.

By highlighting strengths and addressing challenges, monitoring software can cultivate a more engaged, motivated, and cohesive workforce, where individuals are aligned with the company's goals and are empowered to achieve their best.

Analysis of workforce engagement in the US, showcased that a concerning 70% of U.S. employees exhibit signs of disengagement. This not only leads to lower work motivation and productivity, but also results in a staggering financial toll.

Improved Team Performance and Employee Productivity

Employee monitoring isn't just about identifying gaps – it is also about recognizing patterns and making strategic improvements. By reviewing the digital activities of the workforce, managers can identify employees who might be struggling to meet company expectations or getting distracted frequently.

Knowledge, for instance, that an employee spends excessive time on social media platforms or browsing unrelated content, can lead to constructive feedback sessions. Such insights pave the way for targeted training, better resource allocation, and overall improvement in team performance.

Besides, as the study published in the Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience journal showcases, employees demonstrate a better productivity when they know that they are being watched. This increased employee productivity in turn lead to an increase of companies’ profit – on average by 7%.

Efficient Billing Through Activity Tracking

There is a direct correlation between employee monitoring and corporate earnings. Ensuring exactness in logging billable hours leads to streamlined invoicing processes.

By scrutinising the data obtained from employee monitoring, Human Resources can strategize, assess employee remuneration, execute operations in line with legal standards, identify departments that may be either stretched thin or underleveraged, and boost productivity by embracing recommendations from the digital monitoring tools employed throughout the working process.

Project Cost Optimization

A significant benefit of monitoring employees is in the ability to extract detailed reports on project timelines and financial planning. Such insights are invaluable for fine-tuning project expenses or for analysing team activities to allocate time more profitably.

When used properly, employee monitoring allows to set up a convenient framework for understanding complex procedures within an organisation, shedding light on the profitability of projects and strategies for growth.

What to Consider When Choosing Employee Monitoring Software

Each company possesses unique requirements, meaning a one-size-fits-all software solution might not be appropriate for all. Not every company will require to collect information on particular employee data and activity. Therefore, an ideal employee monitoring software should be tailored to align with the specific demands of the company using it. Moreover, as those needs evolve, the software should be adaptable, capable of updates or improvements to continually serve the company's changing objectives.

Aligning Company Goals With Software Specifics

The primary thing you should consider when picking up employee monitoring software is how your business goals and priorities are correlated with the features provided by the employee monitoring software. So, companies specialised in social media marketing might prioritise software characteristics that are different from those required by consulting or software development companies.

Are you introducing it primarily to enhance overall team productivity? Perhaps you're more concerned about data security, especially if you handle sensitive client information. Alternatively, your goal might be to foster better team communication and collaboration, especially if projects require multifaceted teamwork.

By identifying these objectives upfront, you can narrow down software options that best resonate with your company's vision and operational priorities. Remember, the software should be a tool to further your company's mission, not just another tech addition.

Team Structure

Your team's structure – whether predominantly in-office, remote, or a hybrid – has a direct impact on the type of monitoring software you should consider.

  • In-Office Teams: For companies with a majority of staff working in the office, you might want software that seamlessly integrates with in-house network systems, offers robust workstation monitoring, and perhaps even tools that measure and improve office environment productivity.

  • Remote Teams: For businesses with a significant remote workforce, it's essential to prioritise software that can track tasks across different time zones, facilitate secure virtual communication, and provide features that ensure consistent productivity even in varied home environments.

  • Hybrid Teams: Companies operating with a mix of in-office and remote employees might require software that offers a combination of the features mentioned above, with an added emphasis on tools that bridge the communication gap between remote and in-office staff.

Selection of Features Aligned With Company Goals and Business Type

Every business is unique, and so are its monitoring needs. Depending on your industry, client base, and operational model, certain software features might stand out as particularly beneficial.

  • Data-Intensive Companies: For businesses that handle vast amounts of data, features that ensure data security, prevent data breaches, and monitor data access might be top priorities.

  • Client-Services Companies: If you're in an industry that requires regular communication with clients, tools that monitor and improve client communication channels, track client project progress, and ensure client data privacy might be crucial.

  • Product-Based Companies: For companies that manufacture or sell products, monitoring tools that track inventory management systems, sales platforms, and inter-departmental communication could be essential.

Specific Features of the Software

  • Scalability: As your company grows, your monitoring needs might evolve. It's essential to select software that can scale with your growth, accommodating more users or offering advanced features as needed.

  • Costs: While budget considerations are crucial, it's vital to ensure that you're getting value for your money. Look for software that offers a good balance between cost and features.

  • Free Trial: Many software providers offer free trials. This can be an excellent opportunity to test out the software's features, user interface, and compatibility with your company's systems before making a financial commitment.

  • Customization Options: Every company's monitoring needs are unique. Software that offers customization options can be tailored to fit your specific requirements, ensuring that you're not paying for features you don't need.

Introducing Employees to Monitoring Software

For the successful integration of monitoring software within a company, it's crucial that employees view this tool positively. To achieve this, companies must be attuned to their employees' perspectives, values, and technological proficiency. Notably, these factors can vary widely across generational lines.

For instance, the experiences and expectations of Generation X may differ significantly from those of Generation Z. As such, a company's approach to introducing and managing monitoring software should be nuanced and tailored, taking into account the unique characteristics and needs of each generational cohort.

Introducing Employees to Monitoring Software

Generation X (Born 1965-1980)

  • Tech Interaction: Grew up during the transition from analog to digital. They're tech-savvy but still remember a world without the Internet.

  • Work Values: They value work-life balance, flexibility, and are known for their entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Perception: Generally more open to technology integration in the workplace. Might see monitoring software as a tool for efficiency but would want clear boundaries to ensure personal space isn't invaded.

Millennials (Born 1981-1996)

  • Tech Interaction: Digital natives who've grown up with the Internet and rapid technological advancements.

  • Work Values: They value flexibility, purpose-driven work, and continuous feedback.

  • Perception: More accustomed to tech integrations in daily life, so might be more accepting of monitoring tools. They would appreciate transparency about data collection and would want tools that offer feedback for self-improvement.

Gen Z (Born 1997 and later)

  • Tech Interaction: True digital natives, they having never known a world without smartphones or social media.

  • Work Values: They value authenticity, diversity, and instant communication.

  • Perception: Highly tech-integrated, so might see monitoring software as a natural extension of the modern workplace. Would expect a two-way street: if they're being monitored, they'd want access to the insights for personal growth.

Overall Recommendations Across Generations

  • Transparency: Clearly communicate the purpose of the software, what's being monitored, and how the data will be used.

  • Feedback Loop: Offer employees access to their productivity data, allowing them to gain insights and improve.

  • Customization: Allow some level of personalization in how the software functions, catering to the diverse tech comfort levels across generations.

  • Education: Provide training sessions tailored to each generation's tech proficiency level.

  • Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where employees can voice concerns or suggestions regarding the software.

Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software for Employees

Personal Productivity Insights

  • Employees can gain insights into their work patterns, identifying productive hours and potential distractions.

  • Helps individuals optimise their work schedules, take breaks effectively, and maximise productivity.

Fair Performance Evaluation

  • Objective data ensures that performance reviews are based on actual work metrics rather than perceptions.

  • Ensures that hard work is recognized and rewarded, fostering a sense of fairness and transparency.

Skill Development and Training

  • Monitoring can highlight areas where an employee might need additional training or resources.

  • Employees receive the necessary training to perform better, leading to personal growth and career advancement.

Clear Communication

  • With tools that track project progress and tasks, expectations and responsibilities are clearly defined.

  • Reduces misunderstandings, ensuring everyone is on the same page, leading to a smoother workflow.

Safety and Data Security

  • Monitoring tools can detect potential security threats or breaches.

  • Protects employees from potential data theft or cyberattacks that might compromise their personal information.

Work-Life Balance

  • Monitoring can ensure that employees aren't overworking and are taking necessary breaks.

  • Promotes a healthier work-life balance and reduces burnout.

Evidence in Disputes

  • Data from monitoring tools can serve as evidence in case of any work-related disputes.

  • Protects employees in situations where they need to validate their work or actions.

Autonomy Encouragement

  • When employees know their output is being measured objectively, there's less need for micromanagement.

  • Employees can enjoy greater autonomy and trust, fostering a more positive work environment.

How to Address the Most Common Distractors at the Working Place

The nature of a company's operations, the generational composition of its workforce, its team configurations, and overarching organisational objectives all play a crucial role in this choice.

Moreover, while these key factors are undeniably critical, it's equally vital to research the specific distractions that impact productivity within a given company. These productivity distractions can differ significantly from one organisation to another, influenced by both internal dynamics and external environments.

Thus, when selecting monitoring software, it's imperative for a company to ensure that the tool is capable of addressing its unique set of challenges and distractions. Only then can the software truly enhance efficiency and foster a more productive work environment.

Cell Phone/Texting Distraction

55% Productivity impact

  • Desktop Activity Monitoring: By tracking active and inactive periods on the desktop, employees might be encouraged to reduce phone usage, knowing that long inactivity could be noted.

The Internet Distraction

55% Productivity impact

  • Browsing Time Reports: Provides insights into the time spent on various websites, encouraging self-awareness and accountability.

Gossip Distraction

39% Productivity impact

  • Workspace Monitoring: Software can notify managers if prolonged inactivity or chat activity is detected, discouraging non-work-related conversations.

Social Media Distraction

37% Productivity impact

  • App Usage Reports: Monitors time spent on social media applications, allowing employees to self-regulate. Application Blocking: Restricts access to social media platforms during designated work hours.

Chatting With Co-Workers

27% Productivity impact

  • Presence Indicators: Displays an employee's current status (busy, available, in a meeting) to discourage interruptions.

  • Activity Logs: Keeps a record of workstation activity, making employees more conscious of their breaks and interactions.

Emails Distraction

26% Productivity impact

  • Email Productivity Analysis: Monitors time spent on email applications and offers insights into email handling efficiency.

  • Priority Inbox Features: Integrated tools to prioritise important emails, reducing time spent on less important ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Employee Monitoring Improve Productivity?

Yes, employee monitoring can significantly enhance productivity. When employees are aware that their activities are being monitored, it often promotes a sense of accountability, encouraging more focused work.

Furthermore, the data gathered can offer managers insights into work habits, helping them identify areas for improvement or retraining.

What Are the Potential Privacy Concerns Associated With Implementing Employee Monitoring Systems?

Privacy concerns can vary depending on which features of employee monitoring software are exploited the most. There's the potential risk of violating an employee's personal space or activities, especially if they work from home.

Additionally, there's the concern of unauthorised access to personal or sensitive data, and the broader ethical question of how much surveillance is too much, potentially leading to a feeling of being constantly watched.

What Are the Legal and Ethical Considerations When Implementing Employee Monitoring Solutions?

From a legal standpoint, organisations need to be compliant with data protection and privacy laws, which can vary by region. Informed consent from employees is often necessary, ensuring they're aware of the extent and purpose of the monitoring.

Ethically, companies should strive for a balance, ensuring the monitoring is not overly invasive and that the data is used responsibly to enhance the work environment.

How Can a Company Make the Most Out of Employee Monitoring Software, Both in Terms of Business and Its Employees?

To maximise the benefits, companies should use monitoring software transparently, ensuring employees understand its purpose. Regular training sessions can help in adapting to the software, and feedback loops can address any concerns.

The data should be used constructively to streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall work experience for employees.

How Can a Company Decide Which Employee Monitoring Software to Choose?

Choosing the right software depends on the company's specific needs and objectives. Factors to consider include the features offered by the software, its cost, scalability to accommodate growth, user-friendliness, and feedback or reviews from other businesses.

While there isn't a universal standard, many industries have best practices or benchmarks related to productivity, data security, and compliance that can be used as reference points.

Can Employees View Their Own Monitored Data?

Yes, many employee monitoring systems allow employees to access and view their own monitored data to promote transparency.

Are There Any Industry-Specific Regulations or Compliance Requirements for Using Employee Monitoring Software?

Yes, depending on the industry and region, there might be specific regulations or compliance requirements. For instance, sectors like healthcare or finance may have stricter data privacy laws.

How Can Companies Handle Employee Concerns or Resistance to Being Monitored?

Companies can address concerns by maintaining open communication, explaining the reasons behind monitoring, ensuring transparency about what is being monitored, and emphasising the benefits such as improved productivity and security.

Are There Any Industry Benchmarks or Standards for Measuring the Effectiveness of Employee Monitoring Practices?

While there isn't a universal standard, many industries have best practices or benchmarks related to productivity, data security, and compliance that can be used as reference points.

How Can Organizations Ensure That Employee Monitoring Practices Align With Their Company Values and Culture?

Organisations can involve employees in the decision-making process, regularly review and adjust monitoring practices, and ensure that the primary goal is to enhance the work environment and productivity rather than just surveillance.

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