DeryaSefer Tech & Travel Writer


Dilys (aka “DeryaSefer”) is a versatile writer, polyglot, cat mom, and videographer passionate about learning and education. She is a licensed financial strategist by trade, and her secret passion lies in using the written word to explore topics in mental health, spirituality, contrarian ideas, and unconventional perspectives. She has an innate talent for embodying different voices and roles, allowing her narratives to come alive.

Her diverse experiences in mental health counseling, teaching, motivating others, traveling, and financial expertise culminate in a truly unique viewpoint that makes Dilys’s writing undeniably bold, insightful, and original.


Leadership Styles: How To Lead With Purpose & Impact

What Are Leadership Styles and Why They Are Pivotal to Your Team’s Success Are leaders born or are they made? The nature vs. nurture debate surrounding leadership will continue for as long as teamwork is …

8 Best Time Tracking Software for Freelancers in 2024

As freelancers, we are drawn to the freedom of being our own boss, having the thrill of creative/meaningful work, and the flexibility to avoid tasks we don’t enjoy doing…  Sorry to burst your bubble but …